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It’s your birthday party, and all of your friends and family members are there. Everyone is sitting outside, enjoying cake and refreshments. Then, someone says that the photographer has arrived — it\’s picture-taking time. It’s the moment you’ve been dreading all afternoon. While you’re grateful for the party and to spend time with loved ones, there’s nothing you dislike more than having to open your mouth and smile for the camera, particularly in a big group.

If you have missing teeth and feel embarrassed in social situations, hardly smile at your reflection in the mirror because doing so brings up painful feelings. You don’t like to tell others because it seems somewhat silly — it’s just a couple of missing teeth. Perhaps you feel vain for caring so much. But you shouldn’t feel that way. Your physical appearance can weigh heavily on your self-esteem. You deserve to feel good and confident at all times. Fortunately, missing teeth are easily replaceable and St. Boniface Denture Clinic can help!

Have you ever considered getting dental implants or dentures? We’re St. Boniface Denture Clinic, and we’re located in the heart of Winnipeg. Providing clients with the care and support they need to feel their very best is what we do. If you’re thinking about making a change to boost your self-esteem, then dentures might be what you’re looking for. Read on to discover the advantages of dental implants and how they compare with full and partial dentures.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a post made of titanium metal. It’s surgically positioned into the jawbone to replace the root of your natural tooth. An artificial tooth or crown,  is then attached to the implant.

They Look and Feel Natural

Dental implants fuse directly with your bone and become permanent fixtures in your mouth, enhancing your appearance and chewing ability. You’ll never have to worry about them moving around in your mouth.

They Provide Security

.It’s a secure fit that will help your dentures placed over the implants feel significantly more natural than traditional dentures. We offer both fixed and removable dentures over implants.

What’s Required From You

To determine your candidacy for the implant procedure, you’ll need a consultation with one of our Denturists and the dental professional performing the implant placement. Additionally, maintaining meticulous oral hygiene and regularly visiting your oral health care providers are essential. A healthy mouth is crucial for the long-term success of your dental implants.

Credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

What About Dentures?

Dental implants are excellent teeth replacements, but you also have the option to choose dentures as an alternative. Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth. At St. Boniface, we offer several different types of dentures to suit our client’s needs. Further to dental implants, some of our other most popular teeth replacement services include:

·         Standard Complete Dentures

·         Digital Dentures

·         Partial Dentures

·         Immediate Dentures

·         And More

Standard dentures are made with basic teeth shades and shapes to match your existing teeth. Our standard teeth with high-quality options come with more teeth shade and shape variety. Not everyone has the same tooth colour, so we like to offer as many options as possible to make our clients happy and comfortable.

The Benefits of Wearing Dentures

Similar to dental implants, wearing dentures can increase your self-esteem tremendously. The right set can improve the way you look because they’ll replace any missing teeth — giving you a beautiful smile. They’ll also support your facial structure and give you a confident, healthy appearance.

You’ll also benefit from:

·         Improved Speech

·         Better Chewing and Digestion

·         Confidence

Complete and Partial Dentures

Whether you decide on complete or partial dentures, your confidence will soar, and you’ll finally find the solace you’ve been searching for so long. Full dentures are removable and replace all of the missing teeth on the top and bottom of your mouth.

If there are only a few missing teeth to replace, then partials are the dentures for you.

We make sure your dentures match the shade and shape of your other teeth so that you’ll feel confident and attractive when out in public.

You don’t have to shy away from the camera any longer. With a new set of dentures over implants or traditional dentures, you’ll be smiling from ear to ear. Just remember to review the pros and cons of each before you decide on which one to get. Whichever you choose, you’re about to change your life for the better.

Contact our office today at 204-589-3337 for your assessment.