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5 Clear Signals Your Dentures Need an Upgrade!

Your smile is a powerful asset, influencing not just your appearance but also your confidence and overall well-being. However, the key to a radiant smile lies in maintaining the optimal condition of your dentures. Uncover the signs that indicate your dentures are overdue for an upgrade and discover how a fresh set could be the gateway to a more vibrant, confident you.

Ditch the Discomfort:

Are your dentures feeling a bit too loose or causing discomfort? Jawbone changes or bone resorption over time may be impacting the fit of your dentures, signalling a need for a refitting or a new set of dentures. It’s not just a minor inconvenience; it could be wear and tear taking its toll.

Cracks and Chips:

Your dentures have a shelf life of 5-7 years, and visible wear and tear are telltale signs that it’s time for a change. Don’t let cracks, chips, or worn surfaces dim your smile. Let our Denturists at St. Boniface Denture Clinic assess your dentures and guide you in the right direction.

Bite Back at Inefficiency:

Are you having difficulties chewing? If certain foods feel like a challenge or your chewing efficiency has seen better days, it is crucial you have your Denturist asses them. Properly fitted dentures should allow you to chew your food thoroughly.

Banish Persistent Discomfort:

If your once comfortable-fitting dentures are causing persistent discomfort, it’s time to address the issue. Changes in the jawbone or gum shape might be the culprits; our support staff is ready to schedule your check-up to make any necessary adjustments.

Speak Loud and Clear:

Don’t let your smile muffle your words. If you’ve experienced unexpected challenges in articulating or detecting a lingering lisp, your dentures could be impacting your speaking abilities.

Revitalize your smile and invest in your confidence! Whether you’re diving into the world of dentures for the first time or seeking an upgrade, a personalized assessment with our Denturists awaits. Uncover the potential of a new set of dentures—your ticket to a brighter, more confident version of yourself.

Ready to ditch your ill-fitting denture? Contact us today at 204-589-3337.

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Complete & Partial Denture

To learn more about your oral health, or the different dental replacement options available from St. Boniface Denture Clinic (Formerly Koster Denture Clinic), book a free consultation at the link below, or call 204-589-3337.